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Rebreather try dives. - Rebreatherpro-Training

Rebreather try dives.

Had great fun today making some try dives for Pickle and Simon on the JJ and SF2 :-) Lets hope this is a start of a long and fun rebreather future !!... read more »

Congratulations to Steve and Steve on completing their JJ-CCR course - Rebreatherpro-Training

Congratulations to Steve and Steve on completing their JJ-CCR course

Congratulations to Steve and Steve on completing their JJ-CCR TDI Air Diluent Decompression diver course last week :-) Seen here on the maintenance... read more »

The United Colours of Otter - Rebreatherpro-Training

The United Colours of Otter

The United Colours of Otter :-) Congratulations to Ian and Peter who have been working towards their CCR TDI Mixed Gas qualification this week. The... read more »

Congratulations to Jeff and Ewen on completing their CCR TDI Trimix Mixed G - Rebreatherpro-Training

Congratulations to Jeff and Ewen on completing their CCR TDI Trimix Mixed G

Congratulations to Jeff and Ewen on completing their CCR TDI Trimix Mixed Gas Course this week :-) Great job guys and it was a pleasure to dive with... read more »

Congratulations to Ian, Steve and Alan on completing their TDI mixed Gas - Rebreatherpro-Training

Congratulations to Ian, Steve and Alan on completing their TDI mixed Gas

Congratulations to Ian, Steve and Alan on completing their TDI mixed Gas Course this week in Malta :-) They have made great progress in their... read more »

TDI CCR Full Cave Course in France - Rebreatherpro-Training

TDI CCR Full Cave Course in France

Congratulations to both Alan and Jamie, who completed their TDI CCR Full Cave course in Lot, France this week :-) They have both but a lot of... read more »

SF2 Eccr - Rebreatherpro-Training

SF2 Eccr

SF2 on tour continues, this time a little climbing with it, am i doing this rebreather diving wrong ;-)... read more »

SF2 on Tour in Lot, France :-) - Rebreatherpro-Training

SF2 on Tour in Lot, France :-)

The SF2 tour continues in Lot, France... read more »

TDI CCR Full Cave Course in France - Rebreatherpro-Training

TDI CCR Full Cave Course in France

Congratulations to Don, Ryan and Randy on completing their TDI CCR Full Cave Course in France this week :-) Now the next group are here and its round... read more »

TDI CCR Full Cave course in France - Rebreatherpro-Training

TDI CCR Full Cave course in France

So we are halfway through my 2nd week out in France and the conditions are now improving, but we have our fingers crossed that the rain holds off !!... read more »

SF2 and JJ-CCR try dives. - Rebreatherpro-Training

SF2 and JJ-CCR try dives.

Rob and Griff enjoyed their try dive on the SF2 and JJ-CCR last week :-) Photo here of Rob with the SF2, no photo of Griff due to a bad camera day... read more »

A new rebreather diver in the making. - Rebreatherpro-Training

A new rebreather diver in the making.

Leigh rocked the JJ-CCR on his try dive !! I think we have another silent diver in the making... read more »

Congratulations to team Poland on completing their JJ-CCR Courses :-) - Rebreatherpro-Training

Congratulations to team Poland on completing their JJ-CCR Courses :-)

Congratulations to team Poland Krzysztof Bialecki, Jacek Dyminski & Jacek Herbowicz "Stretch" on completing their JJ-CCR Courses :-) They have... read more »

Congratulations to Gary for completing his TDI  Poseidon Se7en course - Rebreatherpro-Training

Congratulations to Gary for completing his TDI Poseidon Se7en course

Congratulations to Gary for completing his TDI air diluent Poseidon Se7en course last week :-) Enjoy the silent world Gaz... read more »

Cambrian Mine. - Rebreatherpro-Training

Cambrian Mine.

I love this place... read more »

SF2 on Tour :-) It's built for any environment !! - Rebreatherpro-Training

SF2 on Tour :-) It's built for any environment !!

SF2 on Tour :-) It's built for any environment... read more »

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Living the dream !! - Rebreatherpro-Training

Living the dream !!

29 October 2019 - Simply living the dream, one dive at a time !! This year has been busy with projects in Malta including a couple for National... read more »

tdi CCR rebreather full cave course - Rebreatherpro-Training

tdi CCR rebreather full cave course

15 June 2019 - Congratulations to everyone that completed their CCR Rebreather Full Cave class this last two weeks in Cave Country France ???? Living the dream, one dive at a time !! #rebreatherprotraining #TDI... read more »

Member of the following Agencies
  • PADI TecRec  Rebreatherpro-Training
  • International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers  Rebreatherpro-Training
  • Technical Diving International  Rebreatherpro-Training
  • Dive Raid Embark on Unforgettable Adventures: Discover Your World with Us, Where Every Journey Begins Rebreatherpro-Training
  • IART - International Association of Rebreather Trainers  Rebreatherpro-Training