Gouffre De Poumayssen in the Lot region of France
The Dordogne/Lot area is one of the greatest cave diving areas in the world. The three rivers, Dordogne, Lot and Céle in the central, southern region of France offer over a dozen classic cave dives including some of the longest and deepest "siphons" in the country, if not Europe: Emergence du Russel; La Doux de Coly; Trou Madam; Gouffre de Cabouy; Gouffre de St Sauveur; Fontain de St George; Oeil de la Doue are some of the evocative names given to these sites that are peppered throughout the region.
Would you like to see more? Go to the page Sardinia Wreck and Cave.
29 October 2019 - Simply living the dream, one dive at a time !! This year has been busy with projects in Malta including a couple for National... read more »
15 June 2019 - Congratulations to everyone that completed their CCR Rebreather Full Cave class this last two weeks in Cave Country France ???? Living the dream, one dive at a time !! #rebreatherprotraining #TDI... read more »